Summer Vacation!

School's Out!  Party time!
Shaye loves dancin' it up in her room!
Don't you wish you could go back to being 4 somedays?
That's the life.

Our Weekend in ZION.

Even with some stressful situations and a few mis-haps, we had a great time in Zion this last weekend.  Our trip was cut a little short, (Cade got sick...) but we made the most of it and we were able to experience some beautiful hikes, with some spectacular views.  I was in photography heaven here!  The beauty of southern Utah takes my breath away every time I visit.  I love, love, love it!  Here are a few pictures from our adventure.  Hope you enjoy!  If you would like to see all of my Zion pictures, please click here.    

ZION National Park

I am off to search for the sun...
This will be my scenery for the next few days.


Shaye:  Mom!  Mom!  I made another picture for you!

Me:  Thanks Shaye!  I love it!

Shaye:  Look, you can even see her cute feet!

Me:  Oh, so cute Shaye!  Who is it?

Shaye:  My friend Teah.

Shaye:  Put it on your Blog, OK?

Me:  :)

So Cool.

OK - If you are a digital photography fanatic like me, or even if your not, you will love this movie.  Awesome photographer Ross Ching made this movie called "Eclectic 2.0" with his Canon DSLR!  I was amazed when I watched it!  If you are interested in how he did it, you can learn more about how he did it here.  We live in such an amazingly beautiful world!  WOW!  So Cool.  
Happy Tuesday!

Shaye's Day at the Gym!

Don't ya just love the month of May?  You know... a million soccer games, a billion baseball games, a trillion field trips, school programs galore, dance recitals and a plethora of end of school activities?!  
(Did I just use the word plethora?)  

Ok, I'm exaggerating a little, but it is super crazy busy!  But, I have to say, I am lovin' every minute!  After all, there will come a time when my cute little kiddies will grow up and leave me... and then what will I do with my time?!!!  (um, lets see... read, travel, photography, more reading... :) but for now I am just basking in this crazy, busy, wonderful life!  
Hope you are too!    

Thought I would share a few pics of my field trip with Shaye at the gym.  She loved working out!  (a girl after my own heart... at least she inherited one thing from me!)  What a cutie.       


Sorry for the lack of photography posts lately...
A lot happenin' with the family right now!
But, more photo shoots coming soon, so stay tuned!

In the meantime...
I'm having soooo much fun in my design class!
Here is a lay-out I did for Jordan!
Don't ya just love photoshop?!


This is a Shout-Out to my awesome hubby...

You are amazing!  I am so super proud of you!
We love you babe!  Congratulations!

Check it out

OK - have you seen this?  Fontifier turns your own handwriting into a font!  Come on... you know you have always wanted your own handwriting for your computer!  Want to check it out?  Here you go.

This is cool

Do you love music?  I DO!  Check out this cool music radio site.  It lets you build your own radio station - with only the artists that you pick!  Very Cool.  Way to go PANDORA!  Love it!  

Gabi is 8!


Happy Birthday to my beautiful, wonderful, perfect, sweet, fun, giggly, kind, sassy, smart, darling little artist, dancer, singer - talented daughter!
(I know I am bragging, but hey, I'm her mom... I can do that!)  
You are one of my GREATEST joys.  
The day you were born was one of the most 
amazing & blissful days of my life...
I am so lucky to be your mom!  
I can't believe your 8!  I love you siss!
Have a Happy Happy Day!  


OK - 
2 great things happened in the Tanner household yesterday.
No - they are not monumental - just small things, but great nevertheless.

#1 - Shaye lost her first tooth!
We were shocked, because she is only 4!  (Is this normal?!)
Oh and BTW - she got 10 bucks for that tooth!  
(It's all the tooth fairy had on her!)

#2 - I can finally see Jordan's face once again!
Jordan - you are lookin' GOOD!  


Can't. Believe. Your. Moving. To. Chicago... *sniff*
Traitors!  *sniff*  Thought we were better friends than that! *sniff*
How dare you go off to better your career and family... 
How selfish!  *wipe tears*
Don't you think about anyone besides yourselves?  *sniff*
It's just plain rude... *crying*

~Brandon and Jen~
Some of our very best friends for 16 plus years...
Grew up together...
Had our babies together...
Shared so much together!
We love you guys & are truly happy for you!
Good luck in Chicago!
We are planning our Chicago trip already...


Here are a few of my favorite shots from my photo shoot with my darling little friend Mason!  He is so stinkin' cute!  Happy Birthday Tomorrow Mason!  
To see more cute pics from this shoot, click here.

To: Mom From: Shaye

Can I just tell you how much I LOVE being a mom?
My little Shaye (4 years old) drew this for me and then,
 with lots and lots of tape, hung it up in my bedroom.
~Shaye, you make me smile!~


For all the Jazz fanatics in my house....
GO JAZZ!!!!!!!!