Can't. Believe. Your. Moving. To. Chicago... *sniff*
Traitors! *sniff* Thought we were better friends than that! *sniff*
How dare you go off to better your career and family...
How selfish! *wipe tears*
Don't you think about anyone besides yourselves? *sniff*
It's just plain rude... *crying*
~Brandon and Jen~
Some of our very best friends for 16 plus years...
Grew up together...
Had our babies together...
Shared so much together!
We love you guys & are truly happy for you!
Good luck in Chicago!
We are planning our Chicago trip already...
It is so hard to say goodbye! How are we so lucky to have you in our lives. We have made amazing memories that will last forever. We have had the best times ever! Why can't the times go on and on. Thank goodness for webcams,email,phones, and airplanes! Stay in touch Tanners! We will be expecting you in Chicago anytime. Our home is always open to our best friends!
Love Always.
The Milne's
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