Don't ya just love the month of May? You know... a million soccer games, a billion baseball games, a trillion field trips, school programs galore, dance recitals and a plethora of end of school activities?!
(Did I just use the word plethora?)
Ok, I'm exaggerating a little, but it is super crazy busy! But, I have to say, I am lovin' every minute! After all, there will come a time when my cute little kiddies will grow up and leave me... and then what will I do with my time?!!! (um, lets see... read, travel, photography, more reading... :) but for now I am just basking in this crazy, busy, wonderful life!
Hope you are too!
Thought I would share a few pics of my field trip with Shaye at the gym. She loved working out! (a girl after my own heart... at least she inherited one thing from me!) What a cutie.

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