These are my hiking partners.
Four of my very favorite people in all the world.
My mom, and 3 of my sisters.

I loved, loved, loved this day.
We had so much fun.
Do we look ready to conquer this mountain, or what?
Up, Up, Up we went.

It was so beautiful!
But, this rock-man kept following us...
It was kinda creepy.

This was the scaling up the steep mountainside part.
(Can you tell behind us how steep it is?)
Don't slip, and don't look down!!
It was someone's brilliant idea to leave the trail
and blaze our own way - straight up.
We thought it would save us some time,
and hey, how hard could it be, right?

HARD! The mountainside was totally covered in
small loose rocks, so every step you took, your
foot slid down about 2 feet. Have you ever rode falling rocks
down a mountainside before? Not too fun.
Luckily, we had this cute girl to pull us up with her rope!

After quite a few hours of hiking and lots of laughs,
we reached the top!
This is looking down into Huntsville.
The body of water you can see is Pineview.
That is my awesome Mom leading the way.

The summit was very windy, and we ran into a bit of snow.
It was so amazing and so rewarding!

In the distance you can see our destination.
The Snow Basin Lodge.

It was absolutely gorgeous.
I was wishin' that lodge was my home.

Out of the wind, and into the gondola,
for a scenic ride down the other side of the mountain,
where a nice big juicy hamburger awaited us
at the bottom, at the Snow Basin restaurant.

We did it!

What an awesome day, girls!
I cannot wait for our next hiking adventure.
Get planning Mom!