Last month, we had the amazing opportunity to get all dressed up
and enjoy a night out on the town.

And, we got to share it with some of our favorite people,
Ryan & Samantha.
It was a Fund-Raising Event for Operation Kids,
an amazing organization that supports many charities
who help protect our children.
We also got to rub shoulders with a few celebrities.
Much to Ryan and Chad's delight,
they got to meet (and take pictures with)
President Palmer.
OK, I know thats not his real name,
(its Dennis Haybert - he was our host for the evening)
but for those 24 fans out there,
its President Palmer.
He is also the star of the CBS show The Unit.
The other man in the photo is John Walsh -
the host from America's Most Wanted.
He was being honored that night with a lifetime achievement award.
(and very well deserved - after learning of his story,
I see him as a true hero to children everywhere!)

You may recognize some of the other people that performed for us -
Monty Powell (famous songwriter)
Anna Wilson, actor Daniel J. Travanti,
and pianist Jim Brickman.

And, to end the night, we were privileged to a private concert
from country singer Collin Raye.
I tried to get a few video clips on my little camera.
The first one is of Dennis Haybert
(and I apologize in advance that it is sideways)...
The rest are of the Collin Raye concert,
performing with Jim Brickman and Susan Ashton.
It was an amazing and magical night!
Fun night!!! Hey, has anyone ever told you that you look like Jennifer Aniston? Just wondering. . .
That gets me excited for the ole' Christmas Ball!!!
How neat! You both look so good and your dress is beautiful! Okay! We are now starting to get hooked on the Unit. What a fun night for all involved.
nice, nice-Chad has totally changed, the facial hairs so different-sarcastic note here-you guys look great all dressed up
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