Our Saturdays consist of at least 3 soccer games and 1 football game (among all the other Saturday must-do's). Are we crazy? Yes. Crazy about our darling and talented cuties! Yes, we would have more money in our pocket and more free time (free time? what's that?) if they had no interest in playing sports, but, I can tell you that there is absolutely nothing we love more than watching our cuties play. Nothing. They truly love it and are so good at it!! Our hearts explode with pride as we watch them progress and have fun with it. I am often overcome with emotion during the games (jenny emotional? shocking I know.) as I find myself reflecting on how fast they grow up. (yes this is why I am in dark sun glasses at the games. and because it's sunny. I know, I know - I need some serious help.) Does anyone else out there tear up at their kids games? Anyone? Anyone? Bueller?

I mean come on!
Who wouldn't tear up at this?
I'm tearing up just reliving it!!
Does anyone have any kleenex?
Pure joy. It can do strange things to a person.
Tearing up as I watch them - it must be completely normal!
At least that's what I keep telling myself.
I'd worry about you if you DIDN'T tear up! Yep! I feel confident that we have the cutest children, ever! (Perhaps I am a bit biased?!)
So glad to know that it's normal! I know we are biased but hey, we are their moms, we have a right to be!
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