Yes, I am one of those mothers.
You know the ones I'm talking about -
the ones that cry, fuss and fit about
sending their little ones to school.
The ones who spy on them
and keep them under their protective
watch even when they are at school.
The ones who, on the first day, follow them around,
taking hundreds of pictures, walking them to class -
mothering them all the way...
What? You don't know what I'm talking about?
I'm the ONLY one?
Well, come to think of it,
I actually didn't see anyone else balling like a baby.
Hmm.... OK I admit it. I might have a problem.
But you would too, if you had a little sweetie like this
and it was her first day of Kindergarten.

And she is your baby,
and she is supposed to stay your baby forever...
Man, kids sure don't listen to their parents, do they?
Can ya tell she is sick of smiling
for pictures by this point?
I can just read her mind, can't you?...
"Jeez, mom, how many pictures
are you going to take?
This is so embarrassing!
All the kids are already
in the class in their seats!
For goodness sakes, stop crying!"
and take pictures during class.
Please leave now."
I'll just stay out here all day, and do some spying
and take a few hundred more pictures.
She'll never know!
Yes, I know. I'm pathetic. I need help.
But, man do I love that little sweetie.
What? I thought I was the only one! She is a sweetie and she looks so much older with a missing tooth! Darling pictures of her.
Oh, I so understand. It is so hard sending your last baby to school. I wish we could have cried together. I had such a hard time sending my two oldest into the junior high setting this year. If we still lived in Utah, I would've only had to send one. Our babies are growing up too fast! It seems like we were just barely pregnant together with Caden and Madi. Where does time go?
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