My Project 52. Week One.

week one
Happy New Year from California!

Its a brand new year!  And I am going to document this new year, in a new way.  Follow me on a journey of one photograph a week for a whole year - my project 52.  Its a project for  Wow.  I remember that.  barely.  I have neglected shooting my own personal work, but no more.  I am letting my creativity soar to new heights.  I am releasing the pressure to please anyone else.  I am staying true to myself and my own vision ~ expressing myself through my photographs.  I am following my passions.  I am documenting my beautiful life.  I am letting the inspiration flow freely and getting back to what moved me to become a photographer in the first place.  I am excited!

At the end of the year, I plan to create a book from my collection of photographs from this project.  I will share my project 52 weekly photograph with you every Friday.  Thanks for coming along on this journey with me!  What new ideas ~ traditions ~ projects are you taking on this year?


~adelle said...

I want to copy! What a fun idea. One picture a day is too much...but one a week is exciting. Can't wait to see what the year brings!

Jorgensen Family Blog said...

I was going to say...I've heard of one picture a day. But that does sound like way too many. One a week sounds totally doable! Can't wait to follow along :)