
Reading with my little Shaye-Shaye.   Its a favorite part of my afternoon.   I watch her face.   She is beautiful.   She is smart.   You can almost see her brain learning.  She is my baby.   And my heart loves her so much.  Its a wonderful winter afternoon when I get to curl up with her and read a few good books on my big king size bed and let the afternoon sun pour in on us and warm us a bit. 
(Shaye reading to me - "If you give a Cat a Cupcake" - one of our favorites.)

Now off to finish the rest of my day, which includes:
~ cleaning up the house
~ picking up the children from various places around town
~ making dinner
~ listening to some of my favorite Christmas songs, while I work around the house
~ helping little Gabi with her science experiment
~ pondering on my upcoming talk in Sacrament meeting
~ bathing little girls and kissing them and tucking them in tight
~ starting another load of laundry, and thinking about the mounds to be folded and put away
~ doing another load of dishes
~ admiring my lovely Christmas tree glowing in the evening hours
~ and hopefully ~ curling up with Chad to watch Survivor from last night

How do you spend your afternoons?  Are you as blessed as me?


~adelle said...

:) I love that little girl.

I just rocked Gage to sleep. He usually just falls asleep on his own, but tonight he wanted a mommy to snuggle him. It was so nice. I didn't want to put him in his crib. It's those moments that make being a mom so rewarding. I am sure blessed. Maybe it is a tie. . .

When are you speaking????

Jorgensen Family Blog said...

Sounds like you have "a Wonderful Life". I guess you can't ask for more. Survivor sure was surprising this week. Good luck with your talk. Happy Holidays!!!