Oh how I love summertime!
It's my favorite time of the year.
In fact, as we were laying on our blanket the other night, cuddled up together,
watching the magic of the fireworks explode above our heads,
I whispered to Chad that this has to be my favorite holiday.
(Shaye and Cade at their birthday party)
We've been busy the last few weeks! (ha, what else is new??)
At the end of June, and first of July, these two darlings each had a birthday (6 days apart).
We had a fun celebration with our families at the park.
We enjoyed dinner, conversation, music, laughter, babies, yummy chocolate cake,
and a sweet game of kickball.
Cade and Shaye have a very special bond - they adore each other - and I adore them.
Sometimes I stop to take in moments like these, and thank God for my blessed life.
(Cherry Days Parade)
To celebrate the 4th we headed down to the main road in our little town to enjoy the parade.
The girls loved it and ended up with way too much candy.
The weather was absolutely gorgeous.
I love my Freedom. I love my America.
I love the men and women who have served
and those who are still serving to keep my family safe.
(My little pixie at the parade)
(darling Gabi at the parade)
(my teenager ((WHAT?? How did that happen?)) at the parade)
After the parade, we had a nice, yummy BBQ at Ryan and Eva's house in the valley
and finished off the day watching the fireworks at Weber High with some of our best friends.
Yes, it was a VERY. GOOD. DAY.
I was HAPPY.
And my heart was OVERFLOWING.
I was HAPPY.
And my heart was OVERFLOWING.
I love it when that happens. :)
(The Tanner house is getting a Face-Lift)
Oh, and have I mentioned that we are under construction?
Yep. We must be seven kinds of crazy.
We are stucco-ing and rock-ing the entire outside of our home.
I am so excited/nervous to see the end result.
I will be sure to keep you updated.
That is, if I am still sane.
Happy Summertime Everyone!
Ooooh, I love a good makeover! Can't wait to see the finished product :)
I agree!! This is a wonderful holiday. I got that same overwhelmed feeling at the fireworks. Must be the magic of the lights! I can't wait to see your house when it is done. Gonna be so gorgeous. Yeah for summer!!!
Love your family! You have such beautiful children. The house is looking great and Chad is the MAN!
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