A very fun night for us. Its a night Just for US.
Just us and our kiddos - and for just being with EACH OTHER.
We have some really fun and fabulous traditions for this night -
and its a night that we look forward to all year!
and its a night that we look forward to all year!
We start the night off with:
A traditional Swiss Raclette Dinner
(with our splurge of Raclette cheese at $18 per pound - and YES it is so worth it!)
For the little ones who don't have the taste buds for Raclette yet -
we have mini-pizzas with some good ole American cheeses.
This dinner is an experience because we cook everything right there at the table
with our Raclette Oven smack dab in the middle.
*on a side note: I used to have to drive to Salt Lake City to purchase this cheese at a specialty store,
but this year we found it locally at Harmons! Woot Woot! Gotta love Harmons!!
*on another side note: Do not, I repeat, do not attempt to eat this cheese cold - it is for melting only!!
*and yet another side note: LOVE how this tradition teaches about our heritage and cultures from Chads mission!!
Our night with each other also includes:
lots of eggnog, tons of laughs, gifts from mom and dad to kiddos- (new jammies),
a new Christmas book to read together, reading from the scriptures,
gift exchanges from sibling to sibling - (which for the little ones includes gifts from their own bedrooms wrapped up for each other and it is seriously the cutest thing in the world.),
music from our own in-house musician, baths, lots of photographs,
and then leaving cookies/milk/carrots and a note for Santa.
Seriously. Does it get any better than this?!
Thanks for re-living my holidays with me. They went way too fast.
Stay tuned tomorrow for my last holiday post: The Magic and Our Loved Ones.
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