Last month, before Chad's job got absolutely insane,
he was able to take our little man out for a fun night,
just the two of them. It's important, don't you think,
to have those one on one experiences with your Dad?
I know the few times that I had my Dad alone,
paying attention to me and only me,
are some of my most treasured experiences!
(It didn't happen too often - I am one of 7 children
but when it did, I felt really special!)
So off they went, to have some fun together!

Chad took him to a Jazz Game.
Their 2nd row tickets included a fancy candlelight dinner.

I am so proud.
He was even brave enough to try his first crab leg.
(He hated it, by the way.) What can I say?
He takes after his mom.

And much to our little man's enjoyment
the Jazz Bear was hanging out at the dinner.
Chad said the Jazz Bear kept taking Cade's hat
and ruffling up his hair.
Cade and the Jazz Bear are old friends.
When Cade was in 2nd Grade, the Bear picked him up
and carried him across the stage at an awards show we were attending.
They have been buddies ever since.
Wow. So much different than up in the nosebleed sections!
all during the game for unlimited soda's and snacks.
The Jazz Bear found where they were sitting
and continued his playing and pestering.
I think Cade was loving every minute of it!
Super Fun! I would totally go if I had 2nd row seats. I bet Cade felt so special. Notice how small the ref looks...
Thats great-I think one on one time is so important also. We need to start doing it more with our girls.
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