I've been tagged by my friend Jen, to list 7 random / weird facts about myself. Important things you have always wanted to know, right? So, here goes...
1. I love getting into my bed at night. I call it "my spot". I like to build a fortress of pillows all around me, so that I am surrounded by softness, and oh yeah, I cannot sleep without covers. I don't care if it is 100 degrees in the room, I always have to have covers on me! And, I love to sleep. If I don't get enough sleep, I am not a happy camper.
2. I love exercise. Weird huh? I don't know why, but I always have. I feel some amazing stuff when I am working out - powerful, strong, happy.
3. I am a sunshine girl. The heat doesn't bother me. I love being warm - I hate being cold. My Dad used to call me a California girl. I dread the cold, dark, winter months.
4. I love the ocean. I find it fascinating and terrifying, all at the same time. There is something about being on the water, or near the water that gives me huge amounts of joy.
5. I am a drink shaker. If I have a drink with ice, I will shake, shake, shake the cup before each sip. My family makes fun of me for it.
6. I cannot watch scary movies. No. No. No. I get too caught up in them and my imagination runs wild. They stay with me for years. It's horrible!
7. I can't eat meat with bones. Let me clarify. I can eat meat that had bones, I just don't want to see the bones or have them on my plate.
Now you know some random things about me.
Instead of tagging other people, I'm just going to challenge anyone who reads this, to do this list on your blog, about yourself! (c'mon, it'll be fun!) If you don't have a blog, then what are you waiting for? Create a blog and make this your first post! (and then send me the link, cuz I want to read some random things about you!) I like randomness. I think maybe I just like the word random. Everyone say it with me... RANDOM. It's kind of a cool word, don't ya think?
That was so fun to read!
I totally agree with the meat thing. I mean, I don't even like to pick meat off bones, let alone put it up to my mouth and rip it off with my teeth!!! Anyone for a drumstick? Not me!
You forgot to mention the fact that you always look pretty. You just do. Camping, exercising, hiking up a really tall mountain, boating...you name it. You just look good doing it. What a lucky duck!!!
Adelle - you just made my night...
Adelle - you just made my night...
Not sure why that comment posted twice. I guess because I really meant it! Luv you sis.
Fun stuff about you!! It's already starting to get dark and ugly outside. I hate it too. But whenever we got together with you guys, it was like being in the sunshine and getting warmed up again.
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