Hi. I'm Jenny.

I am: a wife, a mama, a photographer, and a hopeless romantic. I am married to Superman. He is my hero, and we are happy. I cherish my kiddos. They are my world. I am a book lover and even bigger movie lover. I love to travel. I haven't been everywhere, but it's on my list. I am always up for a new adventure. I love life, especially mine. Blogging about it makes me happy.

Welcome to my Blog.

This is where I write. Mostly about the sunny side of life and the things living in my heart. It's where I share my photographs, my loves, my hopes and dreams, and many other lovely and random matters. I write for me, and I write for my kids. This is our life. I am happy you are here.

Life Lately - Via Instagram

I am in love with Instagram.

Here's (some) of what life's been like lately - 
(according to my iPhone)

My Rock Star Jordan graduated from high school and started college.
(yep, I am now the momma of an adult!  what?)

My Cutie Caden is excelling in 9th grade - 
and making us laugh - every. day.

And boy did we ever love watching him play football!
(for the last time - his momma hopes!  Time to break out the bribes...)

I am a lucky Young Womens President -
with 24 new lovely ladies in my life.
I sure love these girls and our adventures together!

My dream of getting paid to travel and take photographs - 
came true!  I am loving my new job.  Isn't it amazing the things
you can create for yourself?  

San Diego in the early morning hours.  
Just another day at the office.

The whole crew (plus one) on the train to the big city!
One of the many holiday traditions we love.
Christmas came and went, and we soaked up the time together!

We said good-bye to 2011, and welcomed 2012 with open arms.
It's going to be an AMAZING year for the Tanners.

The girls with Frosty.  
(glad he finally showed up - we've been waiting!)
These two girlies make my heart sing with joy.

Love notes.  My favorite!
Being a mom is the best.

Hiking (love) in Sedona (love) all expenses paid (love)
Did I mention? - I love my job!

What is better than hiking in Sedona?
(Answer:  Hiking in Sedona with Superman!)

So there you have it.
A quick glimpse into my busy, beautiful life via Instagram.
What do your adventures look like lately?

Life Lately.


(My beauties at Seal Beach where we spent our summer holidays)

Life.  Mine has been nuts.  Exciting and exhausting all at the same time.  It is amazing to me how much I have grown in the past 6 months.  (Not physically... I am in the best shape of my life!)  Grown as a person, a career woman, a daughter, a mother, as a wife, as a spirit, as a photographer, as a friend.  If someone would have told me a year ago what my life would be like today, I wouldn't have believed it.  So much has changed.  New chapters have begun.  Milestones have been celebrated.  It's been a rocky road.  There have been hardships.  But with those hard times there are incredibly GOOD times.  And hidden blessings around every turn.  Its a beautiful thing that God knows us better than we know ourselves, and will always give us exactly what we need.  I am a blessed human being.  I am grateful for all He gives me, good and bad.  Life is an adventure.  I am living mine to the fullest.

Watch out world, here we come.

Have I told you lately how much I LOVE. LOVE. LOVE. photographing teens?!
It's my very favorite!
This was my last dance shoot with my son Jordan...
I can't believe he's graduated! *sniff*
Does this group of kids look like they are ready to take on the world, or what?
This has to be one of my favorite pictures I have ever taken.
I am in love with it!!
To see more, CLICK HERE.

It's High School Graduation Time!

And that means I have been shooting lots of TEENS!
They are my favorite subjects for sure!
This is Marshall from Freemont High.
To see more of his shoot CLICK HERE.

Darling Mr. "K"! *Utah Baby Photographer*

I am busy, busy catching up on my shoots!
To see a few more of little Kycen, click on over to my PHOTO BLOG!

Darling Miss "K" *Utah Children Photographer*

I had the pleasure of photographing this beautiful girl for her birthday, a few weeks back.  Isn't she beautiful?  See more RIGHT HERE!

Jordan's Senior Prom.

Jordan had his Senior Prom a few weeks ago.  Him and his friends asked if I would be the photographer for their group.  I am always excited when he asks me.  I love it!  I marvel all the time, about how much he has grown.  He is almost done with high school.  He is almost a grown man.  I am so happy and incredibly blessed with the man he is becoming.  It makes me a little sad, sometimes about how fast time went by.  It seems like in a blink of an eye, he went from my little boy to a Senior in High School.  Cherish every moment.  Every. Single. One.  My heart is so proud!
To see more of his Prom Shoot, Click Here