I know everyone has been waiting on the edge of their seats
to find out more about the night this picture was taken, right?
It is actually one of my favorite pictures I have ever taken.
Why? Because it tells such a great story.
The pictures in this post all tell the story of a night out
spent with brothers and sisters, and mom and dad.
Together. As a family. As best friends.
Singing karaoke, having fun and making memories.

This picture tells the story of a brother and a sister and a dad.
3 non-drinkers with a huge Budweiser sign behind us.
Hilarious. (If you know us, it's pretty funny.)

Life is fun with these two around.
They are getting ready for the birth of their first baby.
We can't wait!

And these next photos tell the story of us -
people who love music - who love to sing -
and who love to pretend that they are rock stars.

Our karaoke host really loved our table.
Probably because we were the only ones in the place...

Yes, that is a giant fish hanging from the ceiling.
We all enjoyed some delicious Mexican food,
and for dessert we shared this triple chocolate cake.
Art is so mesmerized by it, he goes into a chocolate trance for a second.
Yep, it was that good.
So there you have it.
Some Dennis Family Fun.
Mexican food. Karaoke. Laughter.
Beer Signs. A Giant Fish.
A Triple Chocolate Cake.
It doesn't get much better than this.